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Friday, September 9, 2011

Ace's new watering bowl...

It took him a few experimental laps to decide, but, ultimately, he likes to lap from the bubbler.  It also filters the water (which is already filtered when I pour it in...)  Makes him happy...that makes me happy!

'No power' doesn't mean 'no light'...

I live in a great neighborhood...'tho really nearly in the heart of the's just a great walking neighborhood with little markets, shops, restaurants and diverse people.  We were among the 1.5 to 5 million w/out power for a good spell yesterday.  Chatting with neighbors this, the morning after the experience, we have all expressed the "fun" of having no power at all:  everybody out walking, bicycling, pushing strollers, mingling in the streets chatting, standing on porches, walking w/flashlights, some w/headlamps, soft glow of candles and/or dim lanterns from homes, people in little "wine & candlelight" get-togethers.  Neighbors w/access to radio turned it loudly enough that everybody could hear the latest information as it filtered through the airwaves. Acey's favorite watering-hole-deli passed out a couple containers each of  free water to people who live in the neighborhood, and gave away fresh sandwiches and other perishables.

"I was almost disappointed when the power came back on," more than one commented this morning.

The weather is cool this morning with a dense marine layer in contrast to preceding extremely hot, humid days so the concern that people temper excessive use of air conditioning, fans, etc. is almost moot.  Nice.  And, yes, it was kinda fun...being without power...but I am enormously grateful for power this morning.  And enormously grateful for the cooler temps.  And enormously grateful for my neighborhood. The interruption of our daily lives afforded us a moment of new vision..offered almost a 'third party view' of our daily lives with the opportunity to make adjustments, if we are so moved.

Most of all, 'tho there was no power, there certainly was no lack of 'light.'
I wish you could, too...Mmmm..

Think the most decadent chocolate w/clouds of espresso and real vanilla ..

Thursday, September 8, 2011