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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"I know that this has nothing to do with hunting. I’ve eaten meat most of my life. I don’t, personally, have a problem with someone who hunts, for example, a deer or a rabbit or a squirrel, in order to feed hir family. I can’t find a definitive difference between hunting a deer in the woods and killing a cow in a slaughterhouse, at least, no difference that doesn’t favor the hunter. But we need to understand that the Second Amendment has NOTHING to do with hunters. It protects the right of citizens to bear arms in order to allow those citizens to be drafted into a “well regulated militia.” ~

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 
"When those men wrote the Second Amendment to our Constitution, America didn’t have a standing Army, Navy, Air Force (they could never have imagined!), Marines, National Guard, and Coast Guard. We didn’t have a police force in every town equipped with tasers, drones, heat sensors, electronic spies, and the ability to nab your cell phone and entrap your friends. We can argue, as an esoteric exercise, about whether or not all of those abilities are good things, but they are, right now, facts. We, the people, have turned over to the government our need for a “well-regulated militia.”
Here’s what I do know. 

I do know that no matter how many guns any one person or group may purchase, if the United States government decides to take you out, they are going to take you out. They will, literally, out-gun you."

Plans for a full-size replica of the Western Wall in Jerusalem are being drawn up in Wichita, Kan. But women who have had abortions — rather than Jews — are the target audience.

The “Wailing Wall,” as the activists refer to it, and the accompanying center, will be fronted by 60 crosses, each one representing 1 million aborted fetuses.
Because nothing says Judaism like a bunch of crosses.

(Good gawd!  You've really got to read this...)

Monday, July 23, 2012

"...middle class is now toast" according to new trend in wealth management industry

April Rudin, CEO of The Rudin Group, has advised her industry the middle class is now toast...that they should now only focus on the extremely wealthy.  
        ~ Rich Benjamin, appearing on Up With Chris Hayes, June 21, 2012

Speculation is there will be only two classes: The Super Wealthy and the Service Industry (those serving the Super Wealthy).

What They're Really Saying: The Bobblespeak Translations:

 Gregory: he had tear gas cannisters
two Glocks a shotgun and
an assault rifle

Hickenlooper: as is his right Constitutional right


Gregory: his gun jammed

Chertoff: see - it could have been
much worse - stop whining America

Gregory: how should America
react to this attack

Chertoff: ignore the gun issue and
praise the cops and ordinary people
who risked their lives to stop the
guy with that firing doohicky


Gregory: Congressman Gohmert wonders
why those cowards in the movie
theater didn’t shoot back

McCarthy: indeed 50 people all shooting
at each in a dark smoke-filled theater
- sounds ideal


Bratton: and idiot politicians will call for
more and more guns

Gregory: but these guns were purchased
legally so we don’t need more laws


Stephanopoulos: Mayor Bloomberg
called for less guns while others have
said we need more guns

Hickenlooper: if he didn’t buy guns
he would have gone into that movie
theatre and punched or stabbed people


Stephanopoulos: how are the victims doing

Hogan: they are recovering from
being shot with a military grade
machine gun - so not so good