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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dragging chains...

A couple nights ago, about 3 a.m., I awakened to the sounds of dragging chains.  I kid you not:  it sounded like huge, heavy chains dragging on cement.  Halloween??  I thought...what the heck!  Peering out my front windows:  a few doors away two shadowy figures in hoodies with a tow truck ... actually, one of those flat u-shaped tows angled upward on the back-end of a big diesel-style pick-up truck which, in the darkness, gave an appearance of hang-man, really... doing a repo on a vehicle...   I don't know any of the parties involved.  And, I guess one would have to say it went quietly, smoothly.

I've seen those programs on the teevee..  Believe me, the energy surrounding it in real life is most unpleasant.

The Heavens Blessed Me Yet Again This Morning...

...I awakened to a fabulous gentle, steady rainfall.  I can hardly believe it.  Sooooo marvelous.  Thereafter, the
skies cleared to the most brilliant blue and sunshine splashed about like a playful child.  

Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear; some of my favorite signs & quotes...

"If we amplify everything, then we hear nothing.."
                                  ~Jon Stewart
                                    October 30, 2010

          "These are hard times, not end times..."

                                    ~ Jon Stewart
                                       October 30, 2010

~ Probably My Favorite ~

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tom Waits - Rain Dogs

More rain!

Rained most of the night; still dripping heavily this I loving this!!

An AH quote I also love:

Only through love can you return anyone to love. You cannot restore someone to their Connection with Source by belittling them or by punishing them, or by being disgusted with them. It is only through love that you can return anyone to love. And if you do not have a way of returning them to love, they will always be a problem to your society.
- Abraham-Hicks -