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Friday, June 1, 2012


No idea, the source of this; but, my thanks to them, and to my daughter who forwarded it to me, for putting a smile on my face.

Sienna Jug

Cups in the Cupboard

Cupboard Latch

Glassware from Scotland

Rooster at Morning Light

Morning Slipping in Under the Door

Yoda Wisdom

Blue Skies

Still Companions at the End of Day

Neon Church

Corner by Streetlamp

After Dark

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

~ photo & quote from
So, Ace and I are dancing through this part of his life. Sometimes, I have two left feet.

Acey's Birthday Peanut Butter/Bacon Treats

We passed out treats to all our human and canine friends along his walks on his birthday. It was fun. It was reminiscent of grade school, of taking treats on your birthday.

Akita Cookies for Acey's 15th Birthday

Nightime Walk With Ace

Ace at the Deli