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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dragging chains...

A couple nights ago, about 3 a.m., I awakened to the sounds of dragging chains.  I kid you not:  it sounded like huge, heavy chains dragging on cement.  Halloween??  I thought...what the heck!  Peering out my front windows:  a few doors away two shadowy figures in hoodies with a tow truck ... actually, one of those flat u-shaped tows angled upward on the back-end of a big diesel-style pick-up truck which, in the darkness, gave an appearance of hang-man, really... doing a repo on a vehicle...   I don't know any of the parties involved.  And, I guess one would have to say it went quietly, smoothly.

I've seen those programs on the teevee..  Believe me, the energy surrounding it in real life is most unpleasant.

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