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Sunday, November 7, 2010

What is that saying about the downward path to knowledge?

 ...that once you "get it"...once you really understand ... you can't "un-know" it.. you simply cannot go backwards.  So, if you are still at a place of sexism, racism, classism...a place of judgment about lifestyles, women's rights, or any number of other "..isms"...then, I would suggest, so far:  you just haven't "gotten it."
It's a process for each and all of us, but this I know:  as a society, ultimately, we will not go backwards.

I do understand the process is different for each of us.  I often say I don't trust anyone who declares they are not racist; at least, not anybody with whom I've shared this culture.  I don't say, "I'm not racist."  I wish I could.  My desire is to be "at that place."  But, I surprise, even myself, when, on occasion something may come to mind, and may, even, slip out of my mouth...that could be racist.  And so, I strive for awareness.  I apologize as needed.  It's an ongoing process.  But, at least, I am on that downward path.  I know that because it "stings" when I hear the arrows and slings of separation and discrimination.

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