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Monday, July 23, 2012

What They're Really Saying: The Bobblespeak Translations:

 Gregory: he had tear gas cannisters
two Glocks a shotgun and
an assault rifle

Hickenlooper: as is his right Constitutional right


Gregory: his gun jammed

Chertoff: see - it could have been
much worse - stop whining America

Gregory: how should America
react to this attack

Chertoff: ignore the gun issue and
praise the cops and ordinary people
who risked their lives to stop the
guy with that firing doohicky


Gregory: Congressman Gohmert wonders
why those cowards in the movie
theater didn’t shoot back

McCarthy: indeed 50 people all shooting
at each in a dark smoke-filled theater
- sounds ideal


Bratton: and idiot politicians will call for
more and more guns

Gregory: but these guns were purchased
legally so we don’t need more laws


Stephanopoulos: Mayor Bloomberg
called for less guns while others have
said we need more guns

Hickenlooper: if he didn’t buy guns
he would have gone into that movie
theatre and punched or stabbed people


Stephanopoulos: how are the victims doing

Hogan: they are recovering from
being shot with a military grade
machine gun - so not so good

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