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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Size Matters (?)

Over the years, I have been a bit bemused by people who seem to have a competitive attitude about the size of a dog. They either have/have had/know someone who has the largest (or smallest) dog. Sweet Acey is, has consistently been, 92- 97 lbs. throughout his 14 yrs. Some people see him as "what a BIG dog!"  Others have a story:  "Yeah, but so-and-so's Akita is HUGE! Twice as big as this dog!"  And, perchance you later meet "so-and-so's" dog and the dog is 75 lbs.

Regarding the Akita, those who know the breed know the Japanese, from whence the breed hails, didn't like the American "bigger-is-better" perspective and bred back their Akita, keeping a little smaller, more Spitz-like Akita...and giving the label Great Japanese Dog to the American Akita.  I had a 132 lb. Akita, Beloved Yukiko, who was amazing...agile as a mountain goat..and whom I'll miss all the days of my life.  In the sense that I prefer "big dogs" as my personal companions, I guess size matters.  But, that I have the BIGGEST?  Who could possibly care?? As for Ace:  I see him as a work of art; absolutely beautiful of spirit, mind and body.

Which brings to mind a funny little exchange a couple days ago while Ace and I were walking.  There was, across the street, a middle-aged couple walking a mouse on a lead...oh! Excuse me: I do believe it was a chiquaqua.  In common dog-walking etiquette, we acknowledged each other and, offered in the spirit of  a compliment, I called out, "I'm not sure why you have that lead...I think all you need is some thread!"  To my surprise, they seemed not one bit amused; looked at each other...gave me a sideways glance and no smile...heads down, walked on.

Which, I must say, amused me even more.

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